Dang! Now I have to answer the following;
Directions: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog/Facebook note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment or tag them in your note to read this.1. Letme see, I have to write about 16 random things about me, thanx to Mira for tagging me along. Okay... 16... well, it is kinda hard to write something when you are asked to. Anyway, item number one, I'm 33 this year, not yet but 2009 is my 33th year living. But I know somehow I'm still stuck in a 25 years old body, except for some grey hair.
2. I don't smoke and not intended to start as I don't find any good reason for me to. But I do love vodka and wondering if I can stop drinking alcohol. Well, human being gotta drink like, we simple need H2O to get going. And it is in my name.. Sura mean alcohol.
3. I am a good person, very friendly and loving. And yes, I love to make love!
4. I own a small bike, in Malaysia but sad part, I'm stuck here in a wrong continent.
5. I am a big spender in a way, but not to myself, I tend to 'hias' my partner with nice stuffs. For me, I wear baju seluar bodo bodo je...
6. I love to cook and planning to open a Restaurant, which I think I'll name it Enjin. A restaurant with lotsa motorcycles engine as decoration. But again, will it make the place look like a bike workshop then? Well, it's a plan right, one can plan for anything. (but kinda cool, operate a restaurant... hmmm)
7. I am a male, and seriously, I intend to keep it that way!
8. ... I have to tone up my body or at least, keep it this way. As a start, I've join the gym last May. Next start, I really need to go to the gym at least once!
9. I like no. 3, cos it keep my stress level checked! Study does say sex is a good stress reliever.
10. I am at no. 10 and already crawling to think of any other point till I reach no. 16.
11. I am a coffee person. Like to brew my own coffee with my Dh130 coffee maker. Would love to have those RM6000 espresso maker!
12. If given a chance, I would love to add 3 inches to my height... HEIGHT okay.. not other length (so far no one complaint, so I am okay with it la)
13. If ever I have kids, they'll be of 2 boys and one girl. If I'm a single father, I prefer a daughter.
14. I belief in spending the money you earned. If you keep it in the bank, others will spend it for you. If you keep in under the bed for too long, the color will fade, worst still the figure 100 faded n looses one zero!
15. In 2009, I hoping that I can keep on earning 5-figure. Well, hope for the best la kan.
16. And yes, the last but not least... for 2009, all I want is to plan for next year resolution. The good thing bout having a resolution to start a new year is, to be in good mood in the first month of that year, to make sure the resolution is on the right track and to neglect it from second month onward til December.
At last! Done!
But sorry blog, I don't tag anyone here. Any reader shall be self-tag by reading this post. Bole ke?