And it's hot here, getting even hotter than hot.
It's something fishie.... in Pavillion KL. Everybody should try it, RM38 for 30minutes of non-stop tickling sensation feeling. It feel like, your partner is sucking your toe while having sex, heaven!
Actually, i don't really have any idea to type here, but for the sake of updating by blog, and filling the time while i'm on 5 minutes break from my hectic life.
This is the final 4months i gonna be here in Dubai, i think, unless something else is holding me back here...
nyit nyit ikan gigit...hehehe.
Final 4months eh??? Tralalalalaaa... :P
hey! i might be transit at dubai for a nite before to france... Insyaallah...
If kelapangan, do contact me.. bole gi minum kopi. +971501413019
Honey moon ka? and i can't read your blog la, tak register.
ok no prob punya!
i blom kawen lagi ler.. ikut buss trip gd.
i dah open my blog to public for a while. send your e-mail add to later i invite u.
take care!
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